More than three-quarters of families are now taking steps to avoid holiday “rip-offs” after 72% got caught out on their last holiday abroad, a survey has found.
Some 77% of families are planning to take cost-cutting steps, Post Office Travel Money has found.
Buying water in bulk, drinking local beers and sightseeing on foot are among the most common ways people plan to cut back, according to the survey.
Meanwhile, charges and fees for paying on cards, food and drink prices on planes and the cost of attraction entry fees and organised excursions were among people’s biggest money gripes while on holiday.
The research found that seven in 10 families had blown their budget on their last trip abroad. On average, they had overspent by £177.
Andrew Brown, Post Office head of travel money, said: “Our research suggests most holidaymakers have learned from experience and are now taking more active steps to avoid busting their budgets by hundreds of pounds on trips abroad.
“The money saving measures that many of them are adopting will help to slash the high levels of overspending on food, drink, transport and sightseeing.”
Families’ top 10 gripes about spending while abroad
Charges and fees for paying on plastic
Food and drink prices on planes
Cost of attraction entry and organised excursions
Meal and drink prices in restaurants and bars
Compulsory service charges on meal bills
Transport costs
Waiters expecting tips in cash
Exchange rates at airports
Children’s beach extras, such as buckets and spades and ice-creams
Unexpected visa charges and tourist taxes
Most common money-saving measures for families
Buy large bottles of water or soft drinks in shops to avoid bar and cafe charges
Arrange own excursions rather than going on organised ones
Use buses instead of taxis
Sightsee on foot rather than by public transport
Take fruit and pastries from the breakfast buffet to eat during the day
Make a packed lunch to take on the plane
Drink local draught beers and carafe wine rather than international bottled brands
Use restaurants visited by locals rather than ones in tourist hotspot
Eat from fixed-price set menus
Buy a travel or sightseeing pass to reduce transport or attraction costs
Source Link:- https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/parents-reveal-10-ways-save-12911581